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Pròiseact Lasair Ealain | a Lasair Ealain Project


I was delighted when I received the email from Lasair Ealain asking me to do a week’s teaching in Sleat Primary School. Having worked on the Air Iomlaid project I had previously met lots of the pupils and was excited to be going back to Skye.


I started the week spending 2 days working the primary 3 – 5 pupils followed by 3 days working with the older pupils. Both sessions started in the same way with a short introduction explaining what we were going to be doing before the class headed outside to explore the trees around the school and to do some drawings in their sketchbooks. They learned about line, tone, composition and perspective which helped to develop their drawings. After a full day drawing outside the pupils began on their lino prints. All pupils got to cut out their own pieces of lino with assistance if it was needed. They learned about layering contrasting colours as well as learning how to create texture and details using different lino cutters. The results were terrific and the pupils had great pride in what they had done. The teachers also developed new skills which they were determined to teach to others. At the end of the week the teachers ordered more lino and cutters so that they could continue the project  after I had left. With their new skills they were able to show other teachers in the school how to do the prints.


I believe that working outdoors allows pupils to engage with their surroundings and familiarise themselves with their local green spaces. This encourages ‘self-lead’ learning, allowing the pupils to explore and learn about areas which interest them. Working on arts projects like this ties in perfectly with the Curriculum for Excellences by enabling cross- curricular learning. Providing funding to pay for Gaelic speaking artists helps to facilitate the use of Gaelic out-with formal learning environments. I believe in the ‘normalisation’ of the language as a key to it’s growth. With arts provisions being cut projects like this are invaluable to pupil’s arts education. I thoroughly enjoyed my week in Skye - the pupils and staff couldn’t have been nicer!



Bun-sgoil Shlèite

Sleat Primary

Anns a' Mhàrt 2013, rinn sinn sreath de bhùthan-obrach còmhlia ri Morag MacDonald, neach-ealain a dh'obraich còmhla rinn na bu thraithe air a' phròiseact "Air Iomlaid".



In March 2013, we did a series of printmaking workshops with Morag MacDonald, who had previously worked with us on the Air Iomlaid project.

Pupils from P3-7G worked with Morag for 5 days initially drawing outside and then using these studies as inspiration for their lino cut prints.




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